Our Residents
Demographic & Population Information
The following data is provided by the 2010 Census.
- Township Area (in square miles): 37.2
- Total Persons: 2261
- Total Urban Persons: 67
- Total Rural Persons: 0
- Total Males: 1128
- Total Females: 1133
- Total White Persons: 2101
- Total Black Persons: 2
- Total Native Americans: 84
- Total Asian: 8
- Total Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander: 0
- Total Mixed Persons (2 or more races): 64
- Total Non-Hispanic Persons: 2249
- Total Hispanic Persons: 12
- Persons Under 5 years: 37
- Persons 5 to 17 years: 861
- Persons 18 to 24 years: 144
- Persons 25 to 44 years: 558
- Persons 45 to 64 years: 790
- Persons 65 to 84 years: 391
- Married Family Households with Children Under 18: 330
- Single-Parent (Male) Households with Children Under 18: 112
- Single-Parent (Female) Households with Children Under 18: 66
- Households with Someone 65 Years or Older Living Alone: 436
- Total Housing Units: 1302
- Total Occupied Housing Units (remainder are vacant): 1051
- Total Owner-Occupied Housing (Other occupied are renters): 872
- Foreign Born Persons (includes naturalized & non-citizens): 10
- Total Population: 2436
- Persons (25 Years and Over) without a High School Diploma: 5
- Persons (25 Years and Over) with Bachelors Degree or Higher: 368
- Total Persons (25 Years and Over): 1784
- Working Women (20 to 64 years old) With Children Under 6: 6
- Working Women (20 to 64 years old) With Children 6 to 17: 106
- Working Women With Children Both Under 6 and 6 to 17: 41
- Working Women Without Children Under 18: 414
- Women Not Working (i.e., not in Labor Force): 161
- Total People (16 and Over) Employed: 1682
- Median Household Income: $46,677
- Median Family Income: $48,311
- Per Capita Income: $25,413
- Persons Below Poverty Level in the past 12 Months: 386
- Population used to determine Poverty Level: 2436
- Families in Poverty in the past 12 Months: 75
- Total Families: 738
- Households in Poverty in the past 12 Months: 75
- Total Households: 738
- Median Number of Rooms per Housing Unit: 6
- Mobile Homes: 102
- Total Houses: 1302
- Median Year Structure (Housing Unit) was Built: 1976
- Median Gross Rent (in dollars) for units being rented: 689
- Median (Owner-Occupied) Housing Value: 136400
- Median Owner Costs for Housing Units With a Mortgage: 533
- Median Owner Costs for Housing Units Without a Mortgage: 339